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- Climatology Interdisciplinary Data Collection
- ------------------------------------------------------
- I. Introduction
- ------------
- This is the starting point to the Goddard DAAC Climatology Interdisciplinary
- Data Collection (CIDC), available on CD-ROM. The file index.html is an html
- version of this document which has links to all data and software documents.
- We recomend that you access the CD's through this file using your Web Browser.
- We have also supplied text (cd_booklet.txt) and Adobe Acrobat (cd_booklet.pdf)
- versions of the brochure that comes with the CD-ROM.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- II. CIDC Data Set Groups
- --------------------
- The CIDC consists mostly of monthly mean data from the atmospheric, oceanic,
- and land use sciences have been placed on a common global map grid, with
- standardized documentation. The Climatology Interdisciplinary Data Collection
- has been subdivided into seven categories based on data source as well as the
- parameters involved.
- * Atmospheric dynamics & atmospheric sounding products
- * Radiation and clouds
- * Biosphere data
- * Variable atmospheric constituents
- * Surface temperature and pressure
- * Hydrology data
- * Remote sensing science
- When practical, the data were put in a uniform spatial and temporal scale
- (1 degree x 1 degree, monthly). The OVERVIEW document contains a table of
- the data sets formats and characteristics and a second table lists
- alphabetically all the physical parameters in the CIDC collection.
- This dynamic data collection is being developed to meet the needs of
- interdisciplinary scientists, teachers and students for climate data
- concerning Global Change and seasonal and inter-annual variability. Climate
- scenarios on Global Warming, El Ni±o and the Indian Monsoon have been
- provided to give educators examples of topics in which the data can be used.
- The graphics used in these scenarios were created using the Grid Analysis
- and Display System (GrADS), which has also been put in this CD-ROM along
- with the necessary meta-data files required to read and display the data.
- We have also provided links to associated sites.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Climatology Interdisciplinary Data Available in this CD-ROM Collection
- Below is a listing of data available in this CD-ROM collection, subdivided
- into categories based on data source as well as the parameters involved.
- Each README contains links to associated data directories.
- Atmospheric Dynamics & Atmospheric Soundings
- * DAO 4D Assimilation Monthly Mean Subset (CIDC2 CD-ROM)
- * TOVS Atmospheric Soundings (CIDC4 CD-ROM)
- Radiation and Clouds
- * ERBE Radiation (CIDC3 CD-ROM)
- * Solar Irradiance (CIDC3 CD-ROM)
- * ISCCP C2 Clouds (CIDC3 CD-ROM)
- * ISCCP D2 Products (CIDC3 CD-ROM)
- * LaRC Surface Radiation Products (CIDC3 CD-ROM)
- * GISS Surface Shortwave Radiation (CIDC3 CD-ROM)
- The Biosphere
- * CZCS Ocean Pigment Concentration (CIDC1 CD-ROM)
- * ISLSCP Global Land Cover (CIDC1 CD-ROM)
- Variable Atmospheric Constituents
- * TOMS Ozone (CIDC1 CD-ROM)
- * CDIAC Greenhouse Gases (CIDC1 CD-ROM)
- Measured Surface Temperatures & Pressures
- * NCEP Sea Surface Temperature (CIDC1 CD-ROM)
- * U. East Anglia Temperature Deviations (CIDC1 CD-ROM)
- * U. East Anglia Southern Oscillation Index (CIDC1 CD-ROM)
- * GISS Mean Global Temperatures (CIDC1 CD-ROM)
- Hydrology
- * SSMI Precipitable Water (CIDC1 CD-ROM)
- * SMMR Snow Depth (CIDC1 CD-ROM)
- * SMMR & SSMI Sea Ice Concentration (CIDC1 CD-ROM)
- * GPCC Global Rain Gauge Analysis (CIDC1 CD-ROM)
- * GPCP Global Combined Precipitation (CIDC1 CD-ROM)
- * FAO Soil (CIDC1 CD-ROM)
- * SMMR Monsoon Rain (CIDC1 CD-ROM)
- Remote Sensing Science
- * ERBE Angular Radiation Models (CIDC1 CD-ROM)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- III. CIDC Data at the Virtual Domain Application Data Center
- The Virtual Domain Application Data Center (VDADC), is located at George
- Mason University's, Institute for Computational Sciences and Informatics
- (CSI), Center for Earth Observing and Space Research (CEOSR). VDADC enables
- browsing and analysis of CIDC data over the WWW, before down loading the data
- over the Internet. A prototype of the VDADC, including an advance Java
- version, is accessible at the following URL:
- http://www.ceosr.gmu.edu/~vdadcp/
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- IV. Directory Structures for the CDs
- --------------------------------
- The directory structures for each of the CDs are listed here, followed by
- a listing of text readme names.
- CIDC 1 Directory Structure:
- root
- |--data
- | |--atmo_constituents
- | | |--greenhouse_gases
- | | +--toms_ozone
- | | +--yyyy
- | |--biosphere
- | | |--avhrr_ndvi
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--czcs_color
- | | | |--yyyy
- | | | +--climate
- | | +--land_cover
- | |--hydrology
- | | |--precip
- | | | |--gpcp
- | | | | |--gpcc
- | | | | | |--yyyy
- | | | | | +--systematic_errors
- | | | | +--gpcp_v1a_cmb
- | | | | +--yyyy
- | | | +--smmr_monsoon
- | | | |--yyyy
- | | | |--clim
- | | | +--harm
- | | |--sea_ice
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--smmr_snow
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--soil
- | | +--ssmi_wvap
- | | +--yyyy
- | +--remote_sensing_science
- | | +--erbe_angle
- | | |--lwanis
- | | |--lwflux
- | | |--lwstdv
- | | |--swalbd
- | | |--swanis
- | | |--swcorr
- | | +--swstdv
- | +--surf_temp_press
- | |--ncep_sst
- | | |--anom
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--clim
- | | +--sst
- | | +--yyyy
- | |--soi
- | +--tmp_dev
- | |--e_anglia
- | | |--yyyy
- | | |--decades1851-1990
- | | +--global_means
- | +--giss
- |--readmes
- |--software
- | |--decompression
- | |--grads
- | | |--alpha
- | | |--dat
- | | |--doc
- | | | |--cards
- | | | |--doty
- | | | |--etc
- | | | |--fiorino
- | | | |--gagui
- | | | |--hoop
- | | | |--images
- | | | |--magick
- | | | |--manual
- | | | +--tutorial
- | | |--hpux
- | | |--irix5
- | | |--lib
- | | | +--functions
- | | |--linux5
- | | |--mac
- | | |--msdos
- | | |--sunos4
- | | +--win32
- | |--read_cidc_sftwr
- | +--xwin
- +--www
- +--graphics
- CIDC 2 Directory Structure:
- root
- |--data
- | +--assim_atmo_dyn
- | |--one_layer_diag
- | | |--cldfrc
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--evap
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--olr
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--osr
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--pbl
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--preacc
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--q2m
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--qint
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--radlwg
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--radswg
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--radswt
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--t2m
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--tg
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--ustar
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--vintuq
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--vintvq
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--winds
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | +--z0
- | | +--yyyy
- | |--surf_prog
- | | |--lwi
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--psptop
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | +--slp
- | | +--yyyy
- | +--upper_air_prog
- | |--hght
- | | +--yyyy
- | |--sphu
- | | +--yyyy
- | |--tmpu
- | | +--yyyy
- | |--uwnd
- | | +--yyyy
- | +--vwnd
- | +--yyyy
- |--readmes
- |--software
- | |--decompression
- | |--grads
- | | |--alpha
- | | |--dat
- | | |--doc
- | | | |--cards
- | | | |--doty
- | | | |--etc
- | | | |--fiorino
- | | | |--gagui
- | | | |--hoop
- | | | |--images
- | | | |--magick
- | | | |--manual
- | | | +--tutorial
- | | |--hpux
- | | |--irix5
- | | |--lib
- | | | +--functions
- | | |--linux5
- | | |--mac
- | | |--msdos
- | | |--sunos4
- | | +--win32
- | |--read_cidc_sftwr
- | +--xwin
- +--www
- +--graphics
- CIDC 3 Directory Structure:
- root
- |--data
- | +--radiation_clouds
- | |--erbe_rad
- | | |--yyyy
- | | +--gif
- | |--isccp_c2
- | | |--cldfrc
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--cldprs
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--cldtau
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--cldtmp
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--srfref
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | +--srftmp
- | | +--yyyy
- | |--isccp_d2
- | | |--acifrc
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--aclfrc
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--asifrc
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--aslfrc
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--cifrc
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--cldfrc
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--cldprs
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--cldtau
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--cldtmp
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--cldwpt
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--clfrc
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--crfrc
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--crsfrc
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--dcfrc
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--irhfrc
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--irhprs
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--irhtmp
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--irlfrc
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--irlprs
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--irltmp
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--irmfrc
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--irmprs
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--irmtmp
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--iscvr
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--nsifrc
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--nslfrc
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--scifrc
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--sclfrc
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--sifrc
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--slfrc
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--srfref
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--srftmp
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--tvprs
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--tvprw1
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | |--tvprw6
- | | | +--yyyy
- | | +--tvtmp
- | | +--yyyy
- | |--solar_irrad
- | |--solrad_sw
- | | |--yyyy
- | | +--srfrad_gif
- | +--srb
- | |--cp
- | | +--yyyy
- | |--lwcs
- | | +--yyyy
- | |--lwdwn
- | | +--yyyy
- | |--lwnet
- | | +--yyyy
- | |--swcs
- | | +--yyyy
- | |--swdwn
- | | +--yyyy
- | +--swnet
- | +--yyyy
- |--readmes
- |--software
- | |--decompression
- | |--grads
- | | |--alpha
- | | |--dat
- | | |--doc
- | | | |--cards
- | | | |--doty
- | | | |--etc
- | | | |--fiorino
- | | | |--gagui
- | | | |--hoop
- | | | |--images
- | | | |--magick
- | | | |--manual
- | | | +--tutorial
- | | |--hpux
- | | |--irix5
- | | |--lib
- | | | +--functions
- | | |--linux5
- | | |--mac
- | | |--msdos
- | | |--sunos4
- | | +--win32
- | |--read_cidc_sftwr
- | +--xwin
- +--www
- +--graphics
- CIDC 4 Directory Structure:
- root
- |--data
- | +--tovs_atmo_sound
- | |--cltemp
- | | +--yyyy
- | |--fcld
- | | +--yyyy
- | |--fcld7
- | | +--yyyy
- | |--lwf
- | | +--yyyy
- | |--olr
- | | +--yyyy
- | |--pcld
- | | +--yyyy
- | |--prc
- | | +--yyyy
- | |--prwat
- | | +--yyyy
- | |--sprc
- | | +--yyyy
- | |--tcld
- | | +--yyyy
- | +--tsurf
- | +--yyyy
- |--readmes
- |--software
- | +--decompression
- | |--grads
- | | |--dat
- | | |--doc
- | | | |--cards
- | | | |--doty
- | | | |--etc
- | | | |--fiorino
- | | | |--gagui
- | | | |--hoop
- | | | |--images
- | | | |--magick
- | | | |--manual
- | | | +--tutorial
- | | |--irix5
- | | |--lib
- | | | +--functions
- | | |--sunos4
- | | +--win32
- | |--read_cidc_sftwr
- | +--xwin
- +--www
- +--graphics
- Text Readme Names:
- Readme Name CD-ROM Root Data Directory
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Dataset
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- readme.overview CIDC 1-4 not applicable
- Overview of CIDC
- readme.dao CIDC2 data/assim_atmo_dyn/
- DAO 4D Assimilation Monthly Mean Subset
- readme.tovs CIDC4 data/tovs_atmo_sound/
- TOVS Atmospheric Soundings
- readme.erbe_rad CIDC3 data/radiation_clouds/erbe_rad/
- ERBE Radiation
- readme.sol_irrad CIDC3 data/radiation_clouds/solar_irrad/
- Solar Irradiance
- readme.isccp_c2 CIDC3 data/radiation_clouds/isccp_c2/
- ISCCP C2 Clouds
- readme.isccp_d2 CIDC3 data/radiation_clouds/isccp_d2/
- ISCCP D2 Products
- readme.larc_srb CIDC3 data/radiation_clouds/srb/
- LaRC Surface Radiation Products
- readme.giss_ssw CIDC3 data/radiation_clouds/solrad_sw/
- GISS Surface Shortwave Radiation
- readme.avhrr_ndvi CIDC1 data/biosphere/avhrr_ndvi/
- readme.czcs_opc CIDC1 data/biosphere/czcs_color/
- CZCS Ocean Pigment Concentration
- readme.islscp_veg CIDC1 data/biosphere/land_cover/
- ISLSCP Global Land Cover
- readme.toms_ozone CIDC1 data/atmo_constituents/toms_ozone/
- TOMS Ozone
- readme.gas CIDC1 data/atmo_constituents/greenhouse_gases/
- CDIAC Greenhouse Gases
- readme.ncep_sst CIDC1 data/surf_temp_press/ncep_sst/
- NCEP Sea Surface Temperature
- readme.uea_tmp CIDC1 data/surf_temp_press/tmp_dev/e_anglia/
- U. East Anglia Temperature Deviations
- readme.uea_soi CIDC1 data/surf_temp_press/soi/
- U. East Anglia Southern Oscillation Index
- readme.giss_tmp CIDC1 data/surf_temp_press/tmp_dev/giss/
- GISS Mean Global Temperatures
- readme.ssmi_wvap CIDC1 data/hydrology/ssmi_wvap/
- SSMI Precipitable Water
- readme.smmr_snow CIDC1 data/hydrology/smmr_snow/
- SMMR Snow Depth
- readme.sea_ice CIDC1 data/hydrology/sea_ice/
- SMMR & SSMI Sea Ice Concentration
- readme.gpcc_prc CIDC1 data/hydrology/precip/gpcp/gpcc/
- GPCC Global Rain Gauge Analysis
- readme.gpcp_prc CIDC1 data/hydrology/precip/gpcp/gpcp_v1a_cmb/
- GPCP Global Combined Precipitation
- readme.fao_soil CIDC1 data/hydrology/soil/
- FAO Soil
- readme.smmr_mon CIDC1 data/hydrology/precip/smmr_monsoon/
- SMMR Monsoon Rain
- readme.erbe_ardm CIDC1 data/remote_sensing_science/erbe_angle/
- ERBE Angular Radiation Models
- All readmes are located in the readme/ directory on each CD-ROM.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- V. File Naming Convention
- ----------------------
- xxxxxxxx.pppppp.llctgrr.yymm.sss
- where:
- xxxxxxxx = data product designator (8 chars maximum)
- pppppp = parameter name (6 chars maximum)
- llctgrr = code for spatial/temporal resolution & coverage
- yy = year
- mm = month number
- sss = file type designator
- A more detailed description follows:
- xxxxxxxx : tells the user something about where the data came from. This
- could be either an instrument, a project, or in the case of
- model output data, an experiment number.
- Examples: assim54a, tovsnf (ng is the noaa10 satellite
- designator)
- pppppp : parameter name
- examples: temp, sphum, ndvi
- lctgrr : l = number of levels (1 - 99)
- c = vertical coordinate
- p = pressure level,
- s = surface,
- n = not applicable)
- t = temporal period, with the following definitions:
- m = monthly (30 day averages)
- c = climate monthly
- x = climate
- a = annual
- g = horizontal grid resolution, with the following definitions
- (first number is latitude increment):
- a = 5 deg lat x 5 deg lon
- b = 2.00 deg lat x 2.50 deg lon
- c = 1.00 deg lat x 1.25 deg lon
- d = 2 deg lat x 2 deg lon
- e = 1 deg lat x 1 deg lon
- f = 8 km x 8 km
- g = 2 deg x 5 deg
- h = 2.5 deg x 2.5 deg
- n = not applicable
- p = point data
- others may be added in the future.
- rr = spatial coverage, with the following definitions:
- gl = global land , e.g. avhrr pathfinder
- go = global ocean , e.g. ncep sst
- gg = global (land & ocean) e.g. dao, tovs
- o1 = ocean region 1 (smmr monsoon)
- yymm : data of data
- yy = year (e.g. 87=1987)
- mm = month (e.g. 07=july)
- ddd : file type designator
- bin = binary file (IEEE 32-bit floating point)
- gz = compressed binary file (gzip)
- ctl = GrADS meta-data file
- gif = image file (graphical interchange format)
- asc or ascii = text file (ascii)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VI. Software
- --------
- Each of the CIDC CD-ROMS contain a software directory. The content of these
- directories are the following:
- aareadme Readme file which describes the content of the software
- directory.
- decompression/ Directory that contains decompression software. See the
- aareadme in the decompression directory for more
- information.
- grads/ Directory that contains Grid Analysis and Display System
- software. See the aareadme in the grads directory for more
- information.
- read_cidc_sftwr/ Sample programs in FORTRAN, C and IDL languages to read the
- CIDC data. Compiled versions for different operating systems
- have been provided.
- xwin/ Directory that contains a demonstration version of the
- XWin32 X Server.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VII. Anonymous FTP & WWW Access
- --------------------------
- The Climatology Interdisciplinary Data Collection is also accessible via the
- WWW and anonymous FTP at:
- http://DAAC.gsfc.nasa.gov/CAMPAIGN_DOCS/FTP_SITE/inter_disc.html
- ftp daac.gsfc.nasa.gov
- login: anonymous
- password: < your internet address >
- cd data/inter_disc
- Also visit the Goddard Climate Research Forum at URL:
- http://daac.gsfc.nasa.gov/CAMPAIGN_DOCS/interdisc/research_home.html
- for articles and data concerning important remote sensing and climate
- prediction problems.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VIII. Points of Contact
- -----------------
- For information about or assistance in using any DAAC data,
- contact
- EOS Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC)
- Code 902.2
- NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- Greenbelt, Maryland 20771
- Internet: daacuso@daac.gsfc.nasa.gov
- 301-614-5224 (voice)
- 301-614-5268 (fax)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------